Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Speech and Sketching: An Empirical Study of Multi-modial Interaction


Aaron Adler and Randal Davis


Oltman attempted to use speech as a way to overcome the ambiguities of sketching. The system proposed was limited though. It was very domain specific, and communication only went one way. Adler and Davis hope to create a white board system that incorporates both sketch and speech to aid in early design work. The system should be able to engage the user in natural dialog.

A user study was performed in an almost Wizard-of-Oz setup. The participant was given a variety of sketching goals to accomplish. The experimented had an identical tablet and engaged the user in dialog while the user was attempting to accomplish their goals. The participant was able to change the color of their strokes, and noted was that strokes fall into one of four categories: creation, modification, selection or writing. The authors were able to make three observations about the participants speech. First, they were difluent and often repeated words or phrases. Second, when prompted with a question from the experimenter they often responded with words that were used in the original question. Third, the speech utterance were related to what the user was drawing at the moment. Other observations were that the user would often list objects and then sketch them in that order, they wrote out words they used in their speech, and participants often paused their speeches so as to finish the drawing they were describing.

When prompted with a question from the experimenter the user often gave much more elaborate answers than were necessary. Often they would spot errors or ambiguities when giving these responses. Participants also made comments not related to the sketch, but in relation to the domain. The paper goes on to give details about the connection between the time of the sketch and word/phrase groupings, noting that speech phrases preceded sketching.


There were a lot of observations presented that could be incorporated into a system. This paper seems to be the ground work for an implementation. I question whether having the experimenter in the room would have caused the participant to interact more? If the participants would be so giving if it was only them and a machine? I liked the use of color as a way to give context about the drawing. There could be additional layers to provide context that wouldn't necessarily need to show up on the sketch. Interested to see where they take this.


A. Adler and R. Davis. Speech and sketching: An empirical study of multimodal interaction. In Fourth Eurographics Conference on Sketch Based Interfaces and Modeling, Riverside, California, August 2-3 2007.

1 comment:

Grandmaster Mash said...

I've always liked color in sketches because it is an easy, non-distracting way to convey data. Yet, I also know that a significant amount of the population is color blind (I thought it was around 10% red-green, and the vast experts on Wikipedia confirm between 7-10%). I haven't done any tests to see how color blindness causes people to be frustrated with sketch systems, and I'm sure there are some experiments available that test this issue with other interfaces.